
Table of Contents

  1. Updating MSCS
    1. Quick-start Installation
    2. Manual Installation
  2. Updating Minecraft Server Version
    1. Vanilla server
    2. Modded Server

Updating MSCS

Periodically Minecraft Server Control Script is updated to address bug fixes and add new features.

Quick-start Installation

If you followed the quick start installation, you can update MSCS by running the following in the folder where you downloaded MSCS:

git pull
sudo make update

Manual Installation

If you followed the manual installation, you will need to repeat the installation process again to update the script.

Updating Minecraft Server Version

Vanilla server

If you are running a regular, unmodded Minecraft server (i.e. one where you didn’t specify mscs-server-jar such a SpigotMC or Forge), you can simply type mscs update <world1> <world2> <...> to update the specific world(s) to the latest Minecraft version. Note that you can specify if you want to update to the latest Minecraft release or to the latest Minecraft snapshot by specifying mscs-version-type as release (default) or snapshot in the world’s mscs.properties.

Modded Server

If you are running a modded Minecraft server (i.e. one where you specified mscs-server-jar to something like SpigotMC or Forge), the mscs update command will not work. This is because the mscs update command functions by looking at the version_manifest.json file located in /opt/mscs/version_manifest.json that is downloaded from Mojang.

We recommend you follow the instructions listed for PaperMC to update modded servers, or re-download the mod to the latest version if all else fails.