
BungeeCord is a proxy server that sits between the Minecraft client and server that allows players on a server to easily transfer between worlds (regardless of whether the world is running on vanilla, Forge, SpigotMC, etc). The setup for BungeeCord can be rather complex. To fully understand the configuration options available, visit the BungeeCord Configuration Guide.

Although BungeeCord is not a normal Minecraft server, MSCS is able to control the server as if it were with a little work. Lets start by creating a fake world named lobby on the default port of 25565.

mscs create lobby 25565

lobby can be replaced with any name. Ensure that port 25565 is an unused port, or change it if nessessary.

Change the directory to the world that was created:

cd /opt/mscs/worlds/lobby

This will create the directory lobby in /opt/mscs/worlds as well as the server.properties and mscs.properties files:

server.properties is not needed for this server. Delete this file.

rm server.properties

Modify the mscs.properties file and add/alter these lines:


Create a config.yml file that will apply for the worlds on this server. For example: alpha and beta on ports 25566 and 25567 respectively. Note, change the name of the admin from username to the Minecraft player name that will be administering BungeeCord.

  - admin
- disabledcommandhere
player_limit: -1
  - bungeecord.command.server
  - bungeecord.command.list
  - bungeecord.command.alert
  - bungeecord.command.end
  - bungeecord.command.ip
  - bungeecord.command.reload
- max_players: 20
  fallback_server: alpha
  bind_local_address: true
  ping_passthrough: false
  tab_list: GLOBAL_PING
  default_server: alpha
  tab_size: 20
  force_default_server: false
  motd: 'Message of the day'
  query_enabled: true
  query_port: 25565
timeout: 30000
connection_throttle: 4000
    address: localhost:25566
    restricted: false
    motd: '&1Alpha MOTD'
    address: localhost:25567
    restricted: false
    motd: '&2Beta MOTD'
ip_forward: false
online_mode: true

Change to the /opt/mscs/server/ directory, download the BungeeCord server jar BungeeCord.jar, and run the following as the minecraft user (sudo su minecraft):

cd /opt/mscs/server
wget http://ci.md-5.net/job/BungeeCord/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/bootstrap/target/BungeeCord.jar

Create the two worlds alpha and beta. Since both worlds will only be accessed locally by the BungeeCord proxy server, use the optional ip argument for the create function to limit access to localhost:

mscs create alpha 25566
mscs create beta 25567

Start the worlds to set themselves up:

mscs start alpha
mscs start beta

If the servers fail to start, the eula.txt file may need to be edited and accepted:

editor /opt/mscs/worlds/alpha/eula.txt
editor /opt/mscs/worlds/beta/eula.txt

BungeeCord requires that the world servers be in offline mode. BungeeCord handles authentication as long as online_mode is set to true in config.yml like the example above. To do this, edit the server.properties file for the alpha and beta worlds and change the values of online-mode in both files to false.

editor /opt/mscs/worlds/alpha/server.properties
editor /opt/mscs/worlds/beta/server.properties

Finally, if everything is correctly setup, we can start the worlds:

mscs start lobby
mscs start alpha
mscs start beta