
Installing SpigotMC is very similar to installing Forge. Change to the /opt/mscs/server/ directory, download the SpigotMC installer BuildTools.jar, and run the following as the minecraft user (sudo su minecraft):

cd /opt/mscs/server
wget https://hub.spigotmc.org/jenkins/job/BuildTools/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/target/BuildTools.jar
java -jar BuildTools.jar

This will build the spigot-X.X.X.jar server file.

Create a new server (if necessary):

mscs create spigot 25565

spigot can be replaced with any name. Ensure that port 25565 is an unused port, or change it if nessessary.

This will create the directory spigot in /opt/mscs/worlds as well as the server.properties and mscs.properties files:

Change the directory to the world that was created:

cd /opt/mscs/worlds/spigot

Modify the mscs.properties file and add/alter these lines, replacing versions and file paths as needed. You will need to change the mscs-server-jar as a bare minimum:


Start the server:

mscs start spigot

If the server fails to start, the eula.txt file may need to be edited and accepted:

editor /opt/mscs/worlds/spigot/eula.txt

The server should start up and run The server startup can be monitored by running:

mscs console spigot

Once you are done watching the server boot up, you can press <Ctrl-D> to detach.

Simply add plugins as you would normally by dragging them into the /opt/mscs/worlds/spigot/plugins folder, assuming spigot is the name of your world.